Alternative Education – Vocational Development Programme

About Us

The Hunslet Club Alternative Education, Vocational Development Programme aims to engage young people aged 14-16 through practical hands-on learning, in a safe and welcoming environment.

The supportive environment helps young people improve their skills and chances of progressing into a positive destination. Whether that involves re-engagement into their home provider, progressing into further education, an apprenticeship/traineeship or gaining employment.

We don’t just provide the skills and knowledge required to succeed in an educational setting. We also teach the social and emotional skills needed to flourish in the workplace. Working with challenging young people to help them get back on track.

In the last academic year alone, 380 learners referred from almost 40 high schools gained an average of four qualifications each.

For more information, please contact The Hunslet Club on 0113 2716489 or email


Courses are entirely learner centred and versatile. Our timetables are individual for each learner ensuring flexibility, suitability and feasibility to ensure maximum achievement for each learner. Programmes of study are arranged in conjunction with school and parents and devised in an entirely bespoke manner.

The Hunslet Club delivers a daytime education programme leading to accredited qualifications in:

  • Art
  • Barbering
  • Car Mechanics
  • Catering
  • Childcare
  • DJ’ing
  • Hair and beauty
  • Social Care
  • Joinery
  • Public Services
  • Sport

These courses are designed for young people who are at risk of low achievement in school or who are disadvantaged by the school environment.

These vocational courses are designed for young people who may struggle with a traditional classroom setting. We aim to deliver a quality learning experience in an environment that is both welcoming and safe. Young people can have a hands-on experience with learning, with one-to-one help from vocational tutors.

Alternative Education

The Hunslet Club aims to deliver a quality learning experience in an environment that is both welcoming and safe. Not only do we provide the knowledge and skills required to succeed in an educational setting, we also teach the social skills needed to survive in the workplace. We are also an approved JCQ Host Centre.

The Hunslet Club is a registered learning centre with Pearson, NOCN and other awarding organisations. We are an approved provider for Education Leeds and have also formed successful partnerships with the Youth Service. We also have partnerships with Probation Service, Youth Offending Team, Leeds Rhinos and further education Colleges.

The Club is committed to developing its vocational learning programme. We offer opportunities for all young people irrespective of circumstances both educationally or socially. Every young person should have the opportunity to reach their full potential. These courses are just one way we hope to broaden their horizons and progress to a positive destination.

School Referrals

We accept applications for learners to participate in our scheme via a referral from their current school/education provider. Once the referral has been received we will invite the learner to visit The Hunslet Club to assess their individual needs and progression route. Learners are issued with confirmation of their commencement date and timetable and will receive a full induction.

For more information, please contact The Hunslet Club on 0113 2716489 or email

Feedback from Parents

“I just wanted to express my thanks for the support you have given my son in the time he has been coming to you. As you know his journey through education has been incredibly trying at times and I’m grateful for the way he has been encouraged and nurtured at the Club”

“He has never had a day when he’s not wanted to attend and that in itself is a reflection of the good work you’re doing there. If it hadn’t been for places like The Hunslet Club then I don’t know what direction he would have gone in but thanks to the inspiration he’s had there he is now in the process of joining the Army and has secured a place at Leeds City College to study Public Services alongside his training”

Feedback from Students

“It’s better than any other school. The staff are loveable and sweet. They will provide help when needed, and they treat you better than anyone else.”

“They are very understanding.”

Contact us

For more information or to arrange a visit to our site, please contact The Hunslet Club on 0113 2716489 or email

Mark Sixma