
About Hunslet Rugby

Our dedicated Rugby League qualified coaches are all DBS checked and deliver sessions covering an age range of 18 months through to open age, here in Leeds. We have recently taken on new coaches who are more experienced teaching younger children to unlock their full potential. Our main aim is the development of the child as a player and as a person. Although we encourage winning, we advocate the taking part element first and foremost. Taking on a sport from a young age can increase development of skills in terms of social skills, agility, strength, balance and problem solving.

Our Junior teams start competing against other clubs from Year 1 upwards (school year)


Beginners or rugby for tots (Reception to year 1) takes place on a Friday and Tuesday from 4:30PM to 5:30PM.

Check our time table for all other sessions and age groups check our timetable –

Break down of our matches:

(Under 7’s (Year 1 & 2) Under 8’s (Year 3) Under 9’s ( Year 4) Under 14’s Year 9) – SUNDAY

Under 10’s ( Year 5) Under 11’s (Year 6) Under 12’s ( Year 7) – SATURDAY

What to wear:

Shorts, sports top, tracksuit, trainers or rugby boots.

Cost of session £1.50

Tot’s Sessions

Rugby For Tots is a session for children between 18 month and 4 years old.  This is a parent-led structured play session focusing on teaching basic skills such as catching, running and kicking the ball but is also ideal for improving general skill such as co-ordination and balance. Our enthusiastic coaches ensure this is a fun session incorporating games and team building exercises.


Where do we train?

Since the merger of Hunslet Club and Hunslet Parkside, our junior rugby section continues to go from strength to strength. Some days we train in the main hall or on one of our on-site pitches. Other days, we will play on our full sized rugby pitch situated in park-side, depending on the age group and time the training session takes place. Our younger attendees will mostly be inside in our sports hall.

Like us on Facebook for any updates:

 The Hunslet Club - Rugby


Just come by and check it out, or give us a call and we’ll tell you more. 0113 2716489

Weekly Rugby Timetable

Click on an Event to find out more

View Full Timetable
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Mark Sixma