
The Hunslet Club July Newsletter 2023

Welcome to The Hunslet Club July Newsletter 2023! This little newsletter is our way of spreading recent news and mentioning exciting new developments for August 2023. Here you can catch up on everything we did and achieved in July 2023. Our newsletter comes out at the start of each month, and you can read our previous newsletter here. 

Volunteer Appreciation Day

1st July 2023

We kicked off July 2023 with a celebration! Volunteers are the foundation of The Hunslet Club, as they are woven throughout our history, helping with evening activity sessions and events. Their consistent support needed to be recognised, which is why our team organised a volunteer appreciation day to highlight and thank the continued effort and dedication provided by our team of volunteers.

It was fantastic to see our community coming together for an afternoon of relaxation and appreciation. Thank you to everyone who attended this event.

Volunteer with us.

U7 Hunslet Club Football

2nd July 2023

Continuing the positive start to a new month, our new U7 team won their match against Wakefield Juniors in July. Well done to this talented team. The following day, this team had another gala win, this time against Osset Town Gala.

Fundraising Car Wash

Saturday, 8th July 2023

Our youth clubbers are working hard to raise funds to contribute to future trips. On Saturday, 8th July 2023, they organised a fundraising car wash to raise vital funds. Unfortunately, the weather was against us (which is a theme of this newsletter) and the fundraising car was cut short.

We are still incredibly proud of every single young person that got involved and sacrificed their Saturday morning to help fundraise.

Rogues Rehearsal

Wednesday, 12th July 2023

The Hunslet Rogues Theatre Company have started rehearsing for their next big performance, due to take place in December 2023. Every Wednesday they work hard, rehearse, and refine their acting, performing, or directing abilities. We are happy to see that more theatre roles are being explored, as many young people are exploring roles behind the stage.

A new addition to the Rogues is that they now have new Rogues t-shirts which makes them look like a cohesive team!

Youth Club Football tournaments

12th July 2023

Due to popular demand, our youth workers have introduced a new Wednesday session for our senior youth club. Between 7:30 PM and 8:30 PM, we now have a football tournament session for our senior youth club. We noticed that many young people would stick around The Hunslet Club after their evening activity session had finished, with nowhere to go, therefore, we believe this new session within senior youth club hours will help keep young people entertained and safe.

Youth Ambassador Meeting

Thursday, 13th July 2023

We continued with our youth ambassador meetings in July and gathered a lot of ideas from our youth ambassadors. These meetings are a great way to gain insight into what members want from The Hunslet Club in different sessions.

The Hunslet Club Emeralds Win

16th July 2023

In July, The Hunslet Club Emeralds went out of their comfort zone and competed in the ICC Summer Jam. Through their hard work, talent and sheer determination, they walked away with an army of trophies.

ICC Summer Jam Results

  • Tiny Pom – 1st
  • Mini Pom – 1st
  • Youth Pom – 3rd
  • Senior Pom – 1st
  • Mini Hiphop – 1st and Grand Champion
  • Junior Hiphop – 2nd
  • Senior Hiphop – 2nd
  • Mini Jazz Solo – 1st
  • Youth Pom Solo – 1st

Well done to everyone that took part in this energetic event, and to our coaches for working incredibly hard to get these young people on stage.

Activity Camp

Monday, 24th July 2023

You can’t have Summer without The Hunslet Club Summer Activity Camp! We kicked off our summer activity camp on Monday, 24th July 2023.

Our activity camps give young people a safe and enjoyable place to go during the Summer Holidays. Maybe parents/guardians are working, and they want a safe space for the young people in their care to go, or our campers want a fun place where they can make stories to share at School in September.

The beauty of our activity camps is that young people will always have a safe and fun place to go during the summer holidays, where they can paint, play, bake, make friends, dance, sing and more.

Fareshare donation

Tuesday, 25th July 2023

During our activity camp, we had a very generous donation of boxes and boxes of food from Fareshare. This donation featured a lot of healthy food, alongside treats that our campers will absolutely love.

We are always incredibly thankful for any donation that helps young people in the community. Not everyone has access to three square meals a day, therefore, donations like this help us bridge that gap and provide for young people so they don’t have to go without.

Summer Gala

22nd July 2023

Unfortunately, the horrendous British Weather put a damper on our planned festivities. Instead, our team quickly saved the day by postponing this event until the 2nd of September 2023!

Note down the date and join us as we finish the Summer Holidays in style.

Summer Holiday Reminders

Can you help?

As mentioned in previous Hunslet Club Newsletters, we have had some fantastic guest speakers. Our guest speakers come into our youth clubs to give presentations and practical sessions to our young people. Contact our team today if you/your business would like to talk to our young people about a specific topic. 

Mark Sixma