Hunslet Club Solitaires – Majorettes

About Our  Hunslet Club Solitaires – Majorettes

The Hunslet Club Solitaires is the Hunslet Club’s Majorette Troupe. Established in October 2017, the troupe competes their Military Freestyle routines around the North West of England. They have won numerous awards across all of their age groups over their first two competitive seasons. The sessions are full of energy and fun for all ages. Over the sessions, you will learn how to twirl a baton,  create formations as a team, dance while learning routines and make friends with your fellow team members. We encourage all our members to learn new routines in order to compete in competitions throughout the year, it’s a great way of making new friends, learning new skills and learning how to work effectively as a team. We have a Twirl Academy for the dancers so they can learn new moves, progress their skills while passing levels and gaining certificates.

Charlotte Roberts, Troupe Leader, has over 23 years experience in the competitive world of Majorettes and has trained girls and boys in the art for the past 17 years, Charlotte is assisted by Natalie Francis, Troupe Secretary, who helps in organising the running of the troupe.

How To Get Involved

The cost of each session is just £1.50 with no booking or experience needed. Young people are more than welcome to come along and try it out. We take on girls and boys from age 2 all the way up to open age. No previous experience is necessary. Comfortable clothing is recommended for the session, such as a tracksuit, shorts or leggings and a t shirt.

After trying out a few sessions, attendees can decide if they want to take their majorettes journey a step further. This means they can compete in competitions and do live performances for events. Not only that but throughout the year the majorettes also have their own parties and awards for those involved, here at the club. There is £30 registration fee to become a member, included in the fee is the full cost of a training kit, which can be then worn to the training sessions and performances.

Our Troupes

There are 5 sections within the majorette troupe. These are Babies, Dinkies, Tinies, Juniors & Seniors. The sessions names are based on the age of the dancers.

Juniors (school year 7-10) 6:00PM – 7:15PM – Every Tuesday – The Hub (Middleton Rd, Belle Isle, Leeds LS10 3JA)

Seniors (open age) 7:15PM – 9:00PM – Every Tuesday – The Hub (Middleton Rd, Belle Isle, Leeds LS10 3JA)

Babies 4:ooPM – 5:00PM (age 6 & under) – Every Thursday – Parkside (208 Belle Isle Rd, Belle Isle, Leeds LS10 3HF)

Dinkies 5:00PM – 6:00PM (age 7-9) – Every Thursday –  Parkside (208 Belle Isle Rd, Belle Isle, Leeds LS10 3HF)

Tinies – 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (ages 10-12) – Every Thursday – Parkside (208 Belle Isle Rd, Belle Isle, Leeds LS10 3HF)

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Just come by and check it out, or give us a call and we’ll tell you more. 0113 2716489

Weekly Hunslet Club Solitaires – Majorettes Timetable

Click on an Event to find out more

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Mark Sixma