

Our Cheer-pom sessions are high energy and full of exciting, creative routines involving everything from dance moves, jumps, tumbling, stunts and cannons!!

Arts Co-ordinator, Cherry Crosby has over 15 years experience in community dance coaching working with all ages and abilities.


Like all our activities at The Hunslet Club, it’s a great way of making new friends, learning new skills and increasing confidence to perform in front of an audience.

What to wear

Comfortable clothing, dance shoes or trainers

Cost of session – £1.50

No previous experience is necessary


Let’s go Emeralds, let’s go!

Hunslet Club Emeralds are The Hunslet Club’s competition dance teams. 

In February 2018 our teams took part in the Cheer-city Spring Open competition and took first place in the tiny, mini and youth pom categories as well as second place in the senior pom category

Youth Pom also took the coveted “Grand Champion” award for best overall pom team in the competition.


Just come by and check it out, or give us a call and we’ll tell you more. 0113 2716489

Weekly Cheerdance Timetable

Click on an Event to find out more

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Mark Sixma