
Which group can I join?

Our ballet programme, here at The Hunslet Club offers sessions for all ages and abilities. Ballet for tots classes are available from 18 months to four years. These take place on a Thursday It is a great opportunity to get young children involved in a more social environment, where they can learn and play. For older children who are wanting to start ballet for the first time, our ballet beginners sessions take place every Tuesday and Thursday. Our more abled dancers can attend our Prep and Primary class.

Dancers from other sessions may also progress into this category, where rehearsals and lessons take place every Saturday. This can lead to competitions and progression into starting a profession in this area of dance. Our classes aim to develop technical dance ability, balance, strength, presentation skills and musicality. It’s also a great way to make new friends and have fun. Newcomers are always welcome!

How do I join?

There is no need to hesitate as joining is so easy and simple. So, all you have to do is turn up at our club in your chosen time slot, sign in at reception and join your session via a short form. Moreover, no commitments are needed and you are more than welcome to simply observe a session and join in as you feel comfortable your first time around.

Our Staff

Amber Ellis is our professional ballet co-ordinator at The Hunslet Club. With experience working in schools and leading children’s/youth activities almost everyday, Amber specialises in teaching young people while making the learning process fun and engaging. As well as this she is also highly qualified in many different areas and genres of dance and gymnastics.

What to wear?

Comfortable clothing – joggers, leggings, T-shirt or leotard. There is no strict dress code for our sessions. We ask that clothing is comfortable and easy to move around in.

Cost of Session – £1.50

Our timetable offers a clear outline of our sessions times:

Like us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram for more


Just come by and check it out, or give us a call and we’ll tell you more. 0113 2716489

Weekly Ballet Timetable

Click on an Event to find out more

View Full Timetable
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Mark Sixma